Smartphone wounds and other high-tech Halloween tricks

A smartphone or tablet, some seriously
spooky animation and a convincing
fleshy case make for a realistic fake
wound. Mark Rober quit his job at NASA
to make these cool digital-effect apps
and accessories for Halloween

Half the fun of Halloween is coming up with
new, creative outfits that will blow your friends' minds
and maybe scare a few impressionable children. (The
other half, obviously, is candy.)
Technology can help.
Take, for example, that classic Halloween accessory, the
realistic festering wound. Former NASA employee Mark
Rober has created an app that shows animations of
moving, oozing innards.
Put your iOS or Android smartphone in a special fleshy
case, add a carefully bloodied, ripped T-shirt and you
have the iWound . There is also a moving eyeball outfit,
and a new effect that makes it look like a hand is
ripping out your guts from behind.
Rober first got the idea for mixing Halloween and
smartphones in 2011. Using two iPads and the
FaceTime video chatting app, he strapped one tablet to
his front and the other to the back. The live video feed
made it look like there was a hole blasted through the
center of his body.
One hit YouTube video later, and Rober had found his
new calling. This year, he quit his job as a mechanical
engineer at NASA and started Digital Dudz, a company
that makes costumes that integrate tablets and
You don't need to be an engineer to put together your
own high-tech costume though. Portable battery packs,
LED lights and cheap motors can all be used to make
ingenious costumes. Check out some of the brilliant
ideas on Instructables, in Make Magazine or on
YouTube, where people like to show off their creations.
There are also the tech-themed costumes. All you need
to be a giant iPhone is some cardboard, paint and
patience. If you're going for a minimalist vibe, you can
always dress up like a tech company executive -- just
add a black shirt or hoodie.
